Scientific Advisory Board

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Our Scientific Committee is composed of eminent members of the society who have volunteered to take an active role of oversight and control over our research and educational activities. The Committee includes notable members of the scientific and teaching community, sharing a common interest in the study of inflammation. It acts to guarantee quality, reliability and solidity of the Inflammation Society’s scientific production, and to direct it towards targets of efficiency and relevance.


enrico-ferrazziEnrico Ferrazzi

He is a Full Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University of Milan since 2007, and the Chairman of the Department of Woman, Mother and Neonate at Buzzi Children’s Hospital, University of Milan, since 2008. A very active researcher, he has published more than 310 scientific papers, and has participated to 28 international research programs funded by Italian, European and North American government agencies. He recently co-edited with Prof. Barry Sears a scientific book on “ The potential preventative role of Nutrition on Metabolic Syndrome and Complications of Pregnancy”. He cooperates with many public institutions and NGOs for charitable activities and for the concession of research grants. He is a cum-laude graduate of the University of Milano and member of the National Council of Research.






gargiuloPierluigi Gargiulo

He is a Professor and Researcher at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” since 2008. Formerly operating as an ER and before that as a GP in his native region of Campania, he is a specialist in Paediatric Surgery and Sports Medicine. He currently is a Referee for official CME programs for the Ministry of Health on non-conventional therapies and sports medicine. He is a cum-laude graduate at the University of Naples.






Gabriele Piuri

Gabriele Piuri

He is a cum-laude graduate in Medicine at the University of Milan, with a second graduation in Biology and has a PhD in clinical and experimental nutrition. He is now working and researching on obesity, metabolic syndromes, dyslipidemia and oxidative stress. He works at Servizi Medici Associati in Milan, focusing his medical practice on the topic of food-related inflammation. A keen practitioner of integrated medicine, he has also a diploma in Shiatsu therapy. He cooperates with a number of magazine and publications, and has co-authored with Dr Speciani the book “Come una pentola a pressione”.






Attilio Speciani

Attilio Speciani

He is a cum-laude graduate in Medicine & Surgery at the University of Milan. With over 35 years of clinical experience, he currently works in Milan and London (he is registered at the General Medical Council of Britain). A Clinical Immunologist and Allergy Specialist, he teaches Applied Nutrition to Masters students of medicine at the Universities of Milan and Bologna. He is Medical Chief of two medical services companies based in Milan: SMA srl and GEK srl; the author of more than 30 published books, and the Scientific Director of the online healthcare magazine He is deeply engaged in scientific and clinical research on food-related inflammation, food tolerance and the study of immune inflammation.






Nassim Nicholas Taleb – Special Consultant on Risk (unpaid)

Nassim Nicholas Taleb spent 21 years as a risk taker before becoming a researcher in practical and philosophical problems with probability.
Taleb is the author of a multivolume essay, the Incerto (The Black Swan, Fooled by Randomness, and Antifragile) covering broad facets of uncertainty. It has been translated into 36 languages.
In addition to his trader life, Taleb has also published, as a backup of the Incerto, more than 45 scholarly papers in statistical physics, statistics, philosophy, ethics, economics, international affairs, and quantitative finance, all around the notion of risk and probability. He spent time as a professional researcher (Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at NYU’s School of Engineering and Dean’s Professor at U. Mass Amherst). His current focus is on the properties of systems that can handle disorder (“antifragile”).